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Congratulation DEUTA-WERKE - 120 Years of worldwide safety

Congratulation DEUTA-WERKE - 120 Years of worldwide safety

On the 1st March 1905, DEUTA was entered as Deutsche Tachometerwerke GmbH. Production could now start on the company‘s site in Berlin. The focus of the founders was the exploitation of a patent for a „speedometer with rotating magnetic element and an indicating element connected to an armature which is influenced by the generated eddy currents. 1911 the company was renamed in DEUTA-WERKE.

Innovation and tradition have walked hand-in-hand in the company’s 120-year history. Due to the expertise of its staff and reliability of its products. DEUTA-WERKE achieves today to an annual turnover of about 65 million Euros. The profits generated remain predominantly within the company. They provide the basis for enduring viability, making possible as it were innovative investments such as appropriate provision for contingencies. Initially established in Berlin, the company’s headquarters were relocated to Bergisch Gladbach in 1960. This is where all of the company’s divisions are bundled – from software and hardware development through production, PCB assembly and the commercial departments.

In 1905, it was the invention of the speedometer. Today, the cutting-edge developments of our family-owned enterprise, such as IconTrust®, form the basis for our worldwide reputation as an innovative development partner. It is hardly surprising, then, that customers all around the globe trust us when it comes to realising their visions.
